5 Digital Marketing Tasks You Can Implement During This Covid 19 Market Dip

6 min read - February 24, 2021

Every business owner or marketing director is fully aware at this point of the issues we’re all facing at the moment, the effect on teams and short-term impacts on profitability. It’s easy to get bogged down in the now and forget the long term game.

Those who look to the future, focus on what they can control and plan for the better times will be the ones who are first out of the starting block when it’s all over.

To support those companies who understand the value of SEO and the longer term game it plays in growth, i’ve put together a number of techniques you and your teams can be implementing now to improve your website’s positioning in the search results.

Technical Scan of Website

This time is the perfect opportunity to take a look at your website and fix all of those little tasks you’ve been putting off. It’s often surprising to people that making small technical changes to your website can make a real impact on the performance. A useful piece of software named Screaming Frog can scan the pages of your site and find numerous technical errors. You can download it here: https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/

Competitors Content Strategy

Whilst Screaming Frog can support you with the development of your SEO strategy, you can of course take a look at what your competitors are doing. By scanning their site using the tool, you’ll be able to see a breakdown of their content strategy. Often companies will have a whole host of content which isn’t available to see on the website from simply navigating around. If there are no internal links to certain landing pages, you wouldn’t know they were there – but they are there, plenty. Take a few of your competitors websites and run it through the tool and see what they’re up to.

Write Informational Blogs

In this time of crisis, one of the best things you can do as a business owner / marketing director is to try to provide as much value to your customers + those looking to work with you as possible. Try to share your knowledge to help others through blogs, videos and emails. By providing value in general, but especially at this time, you’ll be building up a great impression with your audience and that you’re there to support them in the problems your company resolve.

Take Advantage of Free Trials

Since this whole crisis hit, plenty of opportunities are now available for companies to take advantage of. There are now a whole host of free trials that digital marketing software companies are offering to people to test their tools. These websites / tools can provide much needed information about your site and often provide superb insight into how you can make adjustments / optimisations to your site for the better of its SEO help.

Here are a few:

SEMRush – https://www.semrush.com/signup/?src=main_cta

Moz – https://moz.com/checkout/freetrial

DeepCrawl – https://www.deepcrawl.com/free-trial/


There can often be a build up of backlinks to your domain which you didn’t ask for, you didn’t try to build them and they’re coming from spammy websites. These types of links to your site are harmful to the performance of your domain. Perhaps this is one of those tasks you’ve been putting off, but since we all have more time, it’s probably worth researching and removing this link.